January 23, 2009

Epiphyte - forófito relationship; relación epífita-forófito

Below, I present some articles that discuss the relationship forofito-epiphytic, this relationship is important since it generates a series of ecosystem processes, that may eventually become important ecosystem services; such as water regulation, storage of organic matter and nutrients, habitat for many vertebrates and invertebrates. Is a world that needs to be better studied and understood ... ....

Abajo presento algunos artículos que hablan de la relación epifita-forófito, esta relación es importante por que a partir de ellas se generan una serie de procesos ecosistémicos que finalmente pueden convertirse en importantes servicios ecosistémicos, como la regulación hídrica, almacenamiento de biomasa y materia orgánica, hábitat de los cuales dependen muchos vertebrados e invertebrados. Es decir se genera todo un mundo que necesita ser mejor estudiado y comprendido…….

Diversity of Species and Interactions in the Upper Tree Canopy of Forest Ecosystems

Biomass and Nutrient Dynamics of Epiphytic Litterfall in a Neotropical Montane Forest, Costa Rica

Sequestration and storage capacity of carbon in the canopy oak trees and their epiphytes in a Neotropic Cloud Forest, Colombia

Biomass and nutrient pools of canopy and terrestrial componentsin a primary and a secondary montane cloud forest, Costa Rica

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